Thursday, January 23rd

    Overcast, a popular podcast player, has been redesigned from the bottom up for its second decade

    Marco Arment has redesigned Overcast, a popular podcast app, to accommodate modern internet speeds and modern frameworks.

    Developer Marco Arment launched the popular podcast app Overcast a decade ago. Now, he's rebuilt and redesigned the app for the current times. While most of the changes won't be visible, one major difference is that you can no longer play podcast episodes. Instead, you have to rely on downloads. Amonte justified the measure, saying dynamic ad insertion used by major podcasts disrupts streaming. Plus, with today's internet speeds, downloading episodes before streaming is a more reliable way to consume podcasts. In addition to this change, Arment spent nearly 18 months rebuilding the application using modern frameworks and programming languages.

    The core of the app remains the same with features like Smart Speed, Silent Skip and Voice Enhancement. However, some features are missing at launch, such as Siri hotkey support, inventory management, and OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) support for exporting and importing podcast subscriptions – these features are coming soon.

    "A lot of Overcast's code is a decade old, so it's difficult or impossible to keep up with the times, adopt new iOS features, or add new features, especially as a human," he said in the app. "For Overcast to have a future, it needs to lay a modern foundation for its second decade, making the app faster and more convenient on larger phones." Other features include an undo button (if you accidentally skip to another part of the podcast) and playlist prioritization.

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