Thursday, January 23rd

    Tesla's 'We, Robot' Event: A Glimpse into the Future of AI

    Tesla's 'We, Robot' event showcased advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation.

    The awaited event ‘We, Robot’ which was organized by the Tesla event has finally happened and was sensational. The event demonstrated how far the organization has come in its projects concerning artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation, and placed the audience in a possible future where machines can coexist with humans.

     Among the important things that were shared during the event was the introduction of a heavy duty humanoid called Optimus. Previously introduced at the Tesla AI Day last year, the robot has, however, evolved considerably since. Optimus is provided with abilities that are meant for performing tasks too dangerous, redundant or tedious for humans such as, work at production lines, cleaning, and even weeding in the yard. Optimus, which is equipped with sophisticated sensors, AI, and actuators, would master new techniques and develop in a new setting.


    In addition to Optimus Tesla provided contributed in valiant our progress on other AI-related projects. The company introduced a technology which is still in the process of development and aims at providing the electric vehicles with self-driving capabilities. Well, with Tesla self-driving cars, it is fitted with various sensors including cameras, a radar, and ultrasonic sensors allowing the car to have a gaze onto the busy driving surface. Tesla envisions completely autonomous self-driving car technology, that on self-drive mode, there is no human control at all.


    Another area in which Tesla is also progressing is in the integration of robots into the assembly processes. The factories of Tesla are already fully automated to a large extent but the firm seeks other avenues of integrating AI into its manufacturing processes. Adoption of Tesla’s work robots which are powered by AI is likely to increase effectiveness as well as reduce costs and improve quality of the product.

    The ‘We, Robot’ event also gave a glimpse into what could be Tesla’s overall perspective about AI. And then I think it’s very interesting that Tesla Chief Elon Musk has always favored AI encouraging today’s generations to create it as it has very beneficial implications for society in the years to come. Musk believes this extreme selfishness in man will be taken over by machine intelligence creating the possibility of the integration of mankind and machine.

    Tags : AI , New , Tesla