Telegram is introducing a new feature aimed at combating fraud and improving trust in the platform by allowing official third-party services to assign verification icons to users and chats. The system, announced Wednesday, works independently of Telegram's existing blue tick verification for public figures and organizations.
When users click on a third-party verified account profile or chat, they will see which service verified it and the reason for the verification. Telegram states that only services with official Telegram-verified bots can apply to become third-party verifiers to reduce fraud and reduce disinformation.
This feature is similar to X's (formerly Twitter) system, which allows verified organizations to assign badges of ownership to relevant accounts. The update comes after a tumultuous period for Telegram. Just months ago, French authorities arrested Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, accusing the platform of facilitating illegal activity.
In response, Telegram has made significant changes, including updating its privacy policy, disabling features that were being misused, and adopting a stricter stance on moderation. Despite these challenges, Telegram achieved profitability last year, with total revenue exceeding $1 billion, according to Durov.
In addition to the new verification system, Telegram is releasing several other updates:
- Search Filter: A new tool to make it easier to find specific chats.
- QR Code Scanning: The ability to scan QR codes directly using the Telegram app camera on iOS and Android.
- NFT Integration: This feature allows users to convert digital gifts into NFT.
These improvements are part of Telegram’s broader effort to address security issues while introducing new features to its growing user base.