Tuesday, January 14th

    Instagram Soon Will Allow Users to Go Live and Only See Their Close Friends

    With the new "Close Friends on Live" function, users may go live with up to three other people, and only those who are on their list of close friends will be able to see this live.

    Meta continues to improve the communication experience of its users. It often introduces new features to WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger to help users communicate more effectively with their loved ones. Recently, it announced a new feature of Instagram to further improve users' custom experience. Instagram users will be able to go online now, and the live broadcast can only be accessed from the list of intimate friends on the application. The new feature called "Close Friends on Live" will allow users to live stream with up to three people. Instagram says the new feature is especially useful for users when they want to share their thoughts, chat with friends, share emojis, plan a trip or just hang out with their closest friends.

    Why was this feature necessary?

    Instagram introduced the concept of live streaming to its app in 2016. The only downside to this live streaming option was that it used to be open to anyone, even people who weren't on your follower list, to see and know what you were up to. was up to. Since its launch, the feature has been widely used by celebrities, influencers and content creators who want to stay connected with their fans and followers. For the average user, this feature is not that appealing to them because they are somehow uncomfortable with the idea that each of their followers can see what they are doing. According to META, this function is now useful for people who want to share content, and discuss it without worrying that they will be judged by random followers. They can also learn with a limited number of people, and they will learn with Google Meet, MS team or Zoom or through other platforms.

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