Tuesday, January 14th

    Instagram embraces the 'photo dump'

    Instagram has introduced a new feature allowing users to upload up to twenty photos or videos to their feed carousel, allowing them to share twice as much content as before.

    Instagram has begun to allow users to upload up to twenty photos or videos to their feed carousel as the platform embraces the “photo dump” trend. Instagram added the ability to post up to 10 photos or videos in a single swipeable carousel post which meant that you could actually publish twice as much content than you could before when it did not have this feature . The app was originally designed with only perfect pictures in mind at its earlier stages of popularity on Instagram.

    The concept of a “photo dump” became more popular over time, allowing users to share multiple images and videos in a single slide show rather than selecting just one photo. Therefore, Instagram will be allowing photo uploads until summer comes with an increase in the number of pictures and videos that can be shared through the carousel. This update reminds me of when people would put whole summer holiday albums on Facebook back in its heyday. Notably, this change also brings it closer to TikTok’s carousel feature where one can include up to thirty-five photos within a single post.

    Although some users might be thrilled about this, others will deem it meaningless because Instagram has come a long way from being just another simple photo-sharing app. Not everyone is going to have the time of day for more than ten slides of somebody’s posts particularly when there are other formats such as videos, stories and even notes on the application itself. The system was tested by Instagram in March so the introduction of an extension to the limit should not surprise anyone. The announcement made on Thursday followed one by Instagram where it said that views would become a key performance indicator (KPI) across all formats including Reels, Live, Photos, Carousels and Stories.

    This move means that creators can now follow the same metric for any type of their content. With “Photo Dump” trend becoming fashionable on this platform; it has allowed its users to add up-to 20 images and videos into their feed carousel”. You can double how much you want to share! It was all about getting that single perfect shot when IG became popular among people who wanted followers.

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